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About me – Yuri's Blog Skip to content

About me


My name is Yuri Karagyozov and I have been teaching MYP Digital Design at the International School Uwekind Sofia, Bulgaria since the beginning of 2013. From next year I will have the opportunity to teach DP Mathematical Studies.

I’m in charge of the Academic Honesty Policy in our school. Together with my colleague Ivan Illiev we are Teacher-Librarians.

Before I return to teaching I used to work in an online news agency. Media work will always be part of who I am. I try to use all my media skills and knowledge in my work with my students.

In my spare time I like to walk, ride a bike and travel.

I started this blog because I believe that sharing knowledge and experience is one of the most natural and significant activities. I’d love it if you follow me on Twitter, Google+ and we could discuss a wide range of topics.