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Tag: Google Drive

Type, edit and format with your voice in Google Docs

Now you can write, edit and format documents in Google Docs, using your voice. This is one of the long-awaited features that promoted back in September 2015 by the company and today is already happening.

The news was announced by product manager Isaiah Greene in the official blog of Google Docs:

“We launched Voice typing in Docs to help you capture ideas, compose a letter, or even write the next great novel—all without touching your keyboard. Starting today, you can also edit and format your documents with your voice.”

To use this tool, you must open the document in Chrome (unknown whether the voice commands work with other browsers) and from the Tools menu to select “Voice typing”. You can edit, enter and format text using a set of voice commands. The full list of available commands to date can be found here.

The bad news: The use of these voice commands in Bulgarian is in a very initial stage. Entering text is not quite accurate (I had the opportunity to try out and I have not quite happy). But there is no problem to enter and edit text in English.

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More precise search in Google Drive

Those of you who are actively using Google Drive probably already noticed some improvement in demand. There have always been able to search for files on your virtual disk but Google added improvements to this search last week.

Developments related to refine the search by file type, modification date of the file, with whom file is shared. You can even search by e-mail address to find a file that is shared with you from this e-mail.


The good news is that mobile applications offer this precise search. iOS users additionally have the ability to search for files without even opening the mobile application – directly from iOS search bar.

These new search capabilities should help students to quickly find files, no matter what device used. The searching files by e-mail address should be especially useful for students who have a lot of files shared with them cooperation in their accounts in Google Drive.

Images: Yuri Karagyozov / BY-NC-ND

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